Monday 14 November 2016 it happens

Hello my dear readers. Today we all have seen very impressive sight: the most spectacular supermoon since 1948, appearing 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than usual.
A supermoon is a coincidence of full moon, with the closest approach the moon makes to the Earth on its elliptical orbit, resulting in the largest apparent size of the lunar disk, as seen from Earth. The "supermoon" is not an astrological term, the scientific name is perigee-syzygy.
The opposite phenomenon (micromoon) called apogee-syzygy.

Today, the gap between Moon and Earth is close to its shortest point- distance of  221,525 miles or 356 510 km, while next time like this it will appear on November 25, 2034(356, 446 km). The closest supermoon of the century will occur on December 6, 2052 (356,425 km).
When the moon is near the Earth it can lead to higher tides and greater variations the tides.
As we know, moon is the Earth's only natural satellite. It's a 4.6 billion years old and was found between 30-50 million years after solar system was formed.
The moon is smaller than the Earth. It's about the same size as Pluto.A new moon occurs every 29,5 days, and it's "disappears" when it is between Earth and the Sun.
When the moon is opposite the sun we see fullmoon,

in between we see crescent moon, as only some reflected sunlight is seen.

First man who has walked on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969.
Though only 12 people had ever walked on the moon, but billion of people can every night watch that mysterious "creature" of Galaxy.
 And today, as never before we have a great change to enjoy this beautiful sight and try to capture as many photos as possible, since not everyday we can be witness of such phenomenon.

Wish you all happy and creative photo shooting 

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